Sunday, June 28, 2015

Whirlwind destroys houses in Tubigan, Initao

Big rocks fell from a cliff near the Macanhan Flyover

While traversing by jeep the winding road at the side of the cliff below the Pryce Plaza Hotel while raining hard, I wanted to tell the driver to use the center lane because historically, rocks and soil occasionally falls that's why the DPWH installed a warning sign that reads: Watch the falling rocks.  Haha! They were informed of their error and so they change it to: Watch for falling rocks.

I know of some people who don't use this road instead cross the river at either Taguanao or Iponan.  So, back to the jeep, my eyes scanned the road and the rip rap for fresh rock falls or any movement, ready to take cover.  After passing this area, I breathe as sigh of relief but was suddenly shattered by the sound of big rocks falling.  All passengers turned to the back of the jeep where two big rocks fell really hard because of the height they came from and there were people nearby!  Image below from CDO Dev shows the location of the rock fall.

I was in the middle of the jeep so I cannot just pull out my camera to shoot.

Check if your name is in the official list of voters without biometrics yet

You can also search your name individually just to be sure at this link:

Three weather disturbances

A low pressure area located East of Mindanao is followed by two Tropical Depressions with one having a big chance of becoming a typhoon.